Friday, October 7, 2011

Large Crochet Bowl

I finally decided to cut up the three yards I had of this fabric when I discovered that something had cut through it while on the bolt, there was a small hole every 2 feet or so. I inherited this fabric in a move as well and was never attached to it. I loved the small pattern and neutral colors. It matches my decor, but I am willing to part with it. I used the rotary cutter to cut 1 inch strips. At the machine they were chained stitched the ends together. It took me about 1 hour to cut and sew the strips and then about 30 minutes in front of the TV trimming the chain apart and rolling two larges balls. It is fairly large bowl, from this point I am moving up. It is much larger than a plate size. I hope to go up at least 1 foot with the other ball. I love it already! The small print looks great all knotted up.
This crochet project does hurt my arms so I can only do so much at a time. I does progress rather quickly.

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