Monday, September 14, 2009

Fabric Dye

Well, I had a wonderful labor day weekend.  We were fortunate enough to have very good friends come to visit. It was also hubby's birthday weekend. At the last minute, I decided that I would want to do something crafty outside with our friends. I made hubby take me down to the craft store. We miss gaged the amount of time that I would take us. The actually beat us there. 
I ended up getting three colors of fabric dye.
 I have tied-dyed a few times, but I was never too thrilled with the result. The men did not want to really participate. I should have guessed. My GF and I produced some real works of art. I had a bolt of  cotton that I planned on making curtains out of. I thought I would be nice to bring in more color. I picked Black which looked slightly Purple, Orange which was yellow and torquoise which looked slightly green. I seems hard to judge the color on the box.
 I dipped just the ends of some of the bigger panels of fabric in the dye for the curtains. The graduation of color is beautiful especially on the Black piece. I had black dye on my hands for days.(I can never keep gloves on) Some smaller pieces we twisted and rapped in rubber bands and experiemented with color. Unfortunately, my GF took pictures with her camera of the finished product hanging on the line. I just have my freshly ironed pieces waiting for the sewing machine.
I  can't wait to do this again and make a quilt out of the difference shades that you get in the colors. I think it will be absolutely beautiful. 

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