Thursday, July 18, 2013

Adorable Baby Sweater

Don't you just love this sweater. Well, I adore it, and you should too.  I started off really wanting to crochet something and challenge myself all while making a baby gift. Ive never crochet much more than straight rows for scarves and blankets or spirals for hats, bowls and eggs.  I watched a few YouTube videos and settled for this one by Mickey. I liked there was room for a bit of creativity and I didn't need to count stitches much past the second row.  I loved this pattern and and see how easy it would be to size up. Ended up not being so challenging but, more eye opening. Here she is with no trim/border:
Looks so much cleaner with the white trim. I am flipping out I love this so much. I think my dear friend will too.  I want to make another one out of cotton yarn a bit bigger. This is out of acrylic from my stash. I went for the green I had on hand, since they want to go with gender neutral baby items, even though they know they are having a girl. 
I am over the moon also that it only took two evenings while trying to cool off in front of the T.V. Good thing it's a baby sweater since I would be melting while trying to finish this project up. Hopefully it will keep the little one warm in Fall. Maybe Hat to match? I think yes.

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