Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Rose Garden

 This lovely rose garden is blocks from work and is tucked behind The Raleigh Theater.
 I had too much fun taking pictures today. The sun had a great cloud filter today. The Garden was filled with flower gazers and picture takers. It is an awesome gem!

 Kuma really liked it too! She kept putting her nose in the air.
                                                  These blooms were as big as my face!
                                                Check out all the colors and varities.
                                                              Me and my sweet potato.
                                     On a side note: This is one of my most fave dresses ever!  My grandmother gave it to me years ago. I always thought it was an aunts...Nana recently told me otherwise. It is a Lilly Pultizer vintage 1960's. It is not in great condition, stains, broken zipper, ciggarette burn, frayed hem, odd straps. I thankfully did not do any of this damage...I could never forgive myself. I love the seersucker weight fabric and the print! It just so happens that it fits me perfectly. I wont give it up. It is also yellow which I love!

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