Sunday, October 25, 2009

Crochet Pumpkins

I worked on these pumpkins for awhile, but I think one could make them fairly quickly with no interruptions.  I found the instructions for creating the smallest pumpkin on twj1963's you tube page. She has amazing tutorials. I appreciate so much what she has done. I am an extreamly visual learner and cannot read the code books for crochet. I simply increased the stitch instructions she gave to create the larger pumpkins. I really wanted a set and one with a face. I have tons of old buttons that I wouldn't dare put on something like clothing or purses. This was a great usage for a few. Teresa's other tutorials show a pumpkin with crocheted eyes and mouth. I didn't have any black yarn, I didn't want to buy it just for the details. I actually like my choice of the buttons better. 

  I enjoyed the spider web in the window in the photo with the flowers hubby brought home Friday.

To make the pumpkin basically chain a multiple of 4, I wouldn't go smaller than 16 (smallest pumpkin). For example: chain 24 (middle sized pumpkin); single stitch 4 , double stitch 16, single stitch 4 repeat until you get image above (folded over). It depends on how fat you want your pumpkin to be depends on how long. The ends are sewn together with a running stitched and pulled tight and knotted every few stitches. The stems are simple single stitched and skip stitches as you go up. They are stuffed with poly-fill or strips of leftover batting. Thanks to Teresa for the idea. This project cost me nothing to make. It was from what I had at home! Yeah for crafting, I LOVE using up stuff that just lays around.

1 comment:

  1. Those are SOOO adorable!!! ...pretty much the cutest pumpkins I have ever seen! I played with pumpkins this weekend too, but I took the generic route and carved one haha. I'll be posting a picture of mine as well soon. miss you!


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